Monday, 14 October 2013

My love for styling...

A few years ago (back in 2009 to be very exact) I stumbled across a site called Polyvore, where I'd spend hours on end putting together outfits. I've always had a thing for styling and thought to myself "ooh Leah you'd make a great visual merchandiser or even a personal stylist!". Four years later and I still enjoy doing the same thing, looking back on my Polyvore creations do make me cringe and it shows how much my fashion and style has changed...thank goodness! I eventually took a break from Polyvore and found myself on ASOS Fashion Finder. Once again, I found myself spending the majority of my time creating outfits and entering competitions where prizes included ASOS vouchers, shopping sprees, holidays and more. I neglected my account for so long that it eventually got suspended so now I've had to start from scratch. I've only got 3 creations up so far but there'll be plenty more to come...


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