Thursday, 3 October 2013

Day 3: Those were the best days of my life...

Oh how time flies, it's been 6 years since I left secondary school and the funny thing is...I remember it like it was just yesterday! School had to be the best 5 years of my life and I wish I could turn back time just so I could do it all over again. So it's day 3 of The October Daily: Blogging Challenge and today's prompt is share a high school memory that you will never forget.

Now this is going to be a tough one because I have so many unforgettable memories. In my school we had a massive astro turf (it even had a little sand pit!) where all the boys would play football and us girls will intrude and annoy the life out of them...eventually we would get beaten up. It would get pretty rough and we'd end up running for our lives lol. I've always wanted to attempt to make a people pyramid so one day I gathered all the girls and we tried to create our own. After 7635272819 attempts we finally got there in the end....that was until all the guys came and kicked us down! I'll never ever forget that day, looking back and thinking about it just makes me smile. Here's a pic of our crazy attempt of the pyramid...ta daaaa 

Another memory I'll never ever ever forget is the day I opened my GCSE results. A few weeks before results day I was absolutely dreading it. I kept thinking "omg Leah you didn't try hard enough" "omg what if you failed". I remember waking up and heading down to the school, butterflies in my stomach, hands shaking and I just felt an awful lump in my throat. I opened the envelope which had my grades in it and I just screaaaaamed. I could not believe what I was seeing! I got 13 GCSEs!!!! 2 A's, 10 Bs and 1 C. I've never felt so proud of myself, all that doubting myself for nothing...I ran to find my maths teacher and gave her the tightest hug ever and didn't let go for a good 5 minutes. Ha! Without her I wouldnt have achieved the results that i did. Thanks Mrs Linton, wherever you are! 

I could go on forever about my time in high school but I'll think I'll just leave you with just 2 of my most treasured memories :-)


1 comment :

  1. Congratulations on your grades! Wow you are definitely smart! Another congratulations for making that pyramid too! So cool! I never experienced that in high school. Haha.
